The “Modeh Ani” Gift
“Gratitude Makes You Happy!” ~Mendel At his Bar Mitzvah, just a few weeks before his...
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Feb 21, 2015 | Featured, Mitzvah For Mendel, Modeh Ani
“Gratitude Makes You Happy!” ~Mendel At his Bar Mitzvah, just a few weeks before his...
Read MoreJan 11, 2015 | Thoughts from Mendel's Mom
On Sundays, I find myself thinking back to how Mendel spent his Sundays… For the past 2...
Read MoreJan 10, 2015 | Stories to make you smile - Memories and Stories
There are several stories I would like to share with everyone: The most recent was my son’s David’s Bar Mitzvah. Mendel went up to all the Boys and anyone new to the Shul introduced himself and welcomed them to...
Read MoreJan 5, 2015 | Stories to make you smile - Memories and Stories
I will always remember Mendel for being surprisingly wiser than I. At Shabbos dinners, he would wait until everyone was listening for his d’var Torah and then continue – and for good reason. I was always irritated...
Read MoreJan 1, 2015 | Stories to make you smile - Memories and Stories
I stayed at Mendels house for the Shabbos of David Bargrasser’s Bar Mitzvah. When I got there before Shabbos we played music together, we both loved music and we showed each other songs etc..Then Friday night we went to...
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